Chicas, it’s no secret that we love to make a fashion statement. We step out in style and it’s part of our cultura. Latinas dress to impress to run to the bodega or pick up our dry cleaning. (We’ll even throw on a fabulous pañuelo to cover up our rollers or doobie.) Whether you’re in ...
Chicas, I am all about the tropics. Palm trees, blue skies, fruity cocktails, warm ocean… ahhhh! Perhaps it’s because my family is from the Dominican Republic and so I swoon over all things Caribbean. Or, maybe it has something to do with living on South Beach, where the gorgeously warm weather and native surroundings are ...
Chicas, I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Home is where the heart is.” And, while sharing a home with loved ones is a beautiful thing, creating a home environment that you love is also a thing of beauty. So, I wanted to pass along some home décor tips to you! As much as I treasure ...