With life taking over, I haven’t had time to post. But, I’ve also been planning the next great international escape come November, and it hit me. Planes, places and playtime are some of my guilty pleasures. So why not share travel tips with my Chicas! My wanderlust started in my early 20s when I worked ...
Chicas, we all get stressed out in our daily lives. Ain’t that the truth?! Whether it’s having to find a new place to live, taking care of someone who is sick, missing a flight connection, or meeting a tight work deadline – stress… ¡es el Diablo! I’ve stressed out over a client paying me late, ...
Ahhh, NYC…the city that never sleeps. With its shining lights, magnetic energy, historical architecture, many landmarks and character-filled streets – Chicas, you can visit a million times and there were still be a million new things to see and do the next time you’re there. ¡Te lo juro! It leaves you both spent and wanting ...
They say that when you open a book, you open a world. And it rings true, Chicas. I can’t tell you how many times I sat in a NYC subway car engrossed in a book, losing myself in its glorious story, only to miss my stop. At work, I’d count down the hours until I ...
Chicas, it’s no secret that we love to make a fashion statement. We step out in style and it’s part of our cultura. Latinas dress to impress to run to the bodega or pick up our dry cleaning. (We’ll even throw on a fabulous pañuelo to cover up our rollers or doobie.) Whether you’re in ...
Hi Chicas, Last month marked my 20th year in public relations. Along the way, I’ve learned how to keep the momentum going, develop new skills and expand my network. I’ve also learned that getting ahead in corporate America isn’t always easy. ¡Ay, mijita! It can envelop you in sheer anxiety – like you’re suddenly starring ...
Spring has sprung, which means we’re one step closer to summer, Chicas! YAY! The thought of outdoor fun brings a big sonrisa to my face! But, I must admit, the thought of wearing a bathing suit at a pool party makes me cringe. Yikes! No better time than the present to connect the mind, soul, ...
Chicas, I am all about the tropics. Palm trees, blue skies, fruity cocktails, warm ocean… ahhhh! Perhaps it’s because my family is from the Dominican Republic and so I swoon over all things Caribbean. Or, maybe it has something to do with living on South Beach, where the gorgeously warm weather and native surroundings are ...
In celebration of my fifth post (yay!!!) and because I celebrate one of the most powerful Chicas in Latin music every time I play her music – the dearly departed Celia Cruz, I had to pay homage to this goddess. Her music speaks to my soul, and I could listen to her every day! Honestly, ...
Chicas, today we will explore wine. It’s that indulgence that many of us love and crave to delve into! The world of wine is such a vast universe, with wine regions popping up and new grape varieties emerging all the time that it can all be overwhelming. ¡Ay! But, don’t let it be. Even seasoned, certified ...